Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Yes, everything still costs more, but the rate of inflation is down, and you idiots

just don't understand how good you have it!"
When that's your explanation for why people aren't happy, you're the idiot.


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Only fucking idiot I see here is you, as per.

  2. Anonymous3:43 AM

    The troll poster is like the media parroting the inflation news spin. The fact is that the two year inflationary spiral we just experienced locked in a higher cost basis for virtually everything - think 50% or more for all goods and services. Energy is an exception, but quelle surprise, the on,y reason energy prices are falling is demand destruction form this great economy. No one who goes into a grocery store or restaurant can say things are better, they might say things are getting less worse but that's a socialist's fools gold. Again as to the first poster, the infantile response is typical of the mindless left.
