Tuesday, December 12, 2023

A David Drake story

When son was on his first deployment to Iraq, one of the occasions he was able to call, when I asked if he needed anything, he said "Books. I need stuff to read, sci-fi, adventure, stuff like that." So, to the used bookstore.
Note: 19 paperbacks would fit in one large flat-rate box without too much bulging.*

One thing I included was the five books of 'The General' series by Drake and Stirling, which I did tell him I wanted back, as two of them were just about impossible to replace.  Well, two reasons for those five: damn good stories; =second was that in the first book a unit on a raid in enemy territory(desert, muslim enemy government) had seized a bleepload of checked scarves that became a unit symbol, and I'd suggested he find a similar scarf and get a picture of himself with it.  He did, in full battle rattle.  I found a email address and sent the pic to Drake labeled 'Sgt. X, on detached duty from the 5th Descott'. Day later he replied "I love it!"

When son sent the books back I contacted Drake again, told him about them and that I planned to ,give him the set when he got back, and asked if he'd be willing to sign them, "Send them to me. I'll get Steve to sign them, too." He did, and they were duly presented when son got back.

David Drake was a good guy.

*Told me later that someone stuck his head into his container to ask him something, "Hey Sarge, you kno- you've got books?  Can I read them?"
"When I'm done."  So a line developed: he'd finish one and give it to that guy, who'd give it to another guy, etc.  Total between me, his mom and sister, and the grandparents, he got a few cases of books and- with the exception of 'The General'- they were read to death.


  1. Always like hearing about new (to me) books.. I'll give it a try, thanks!

  2. Great story. I love that series!

  3. Most of his stuff was hard science fiction like the Hammer's Slammers novels and shorts. He also wrote fantasy and alternate history stuff. Please to check it out.

  4. I've read several of his books. Enjoyed every one.
