Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Yeah, that sounds like how the 'elites' see us commoners

If you see a relentless campaign in the next few months to demonize ketamine use, do not underestimate the pull of a multi-billion-dollar conglomerate that was just humiliated by "six people from the bus stop." That's how JHACH's attorney, David Hughes, described the jury. That's the level of respect they have for you, John Q. Public.
It's an article about medical use of ketamine, and how the death of a celebrity has been blamed on it and doesn't mention all the other stuff he was taking, for some reason.


  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I agree with the articles premise that there was poly-pharmacy involved in Perry’s death, the following is stupid:
    “While every (news) outlet is running with the approved narrative being pushed out by the Industrial-Medical Complex that ketamine is bad and scary and should be immediately regulated by the FDA”

    If the “Industrial Medical Complex” and the author don’t know the FDA *already* regulates Ketamine, they’re dumber than mud. Like box o’ rocks dumb! It’s been used in medical settings for decades.
    Either the author or his sources are out to lunch on this one.

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Does it matter what they say? They already proven untrust worthy during the great flu problem. Why do you or should you care what they say today? It couldn't be factual and too stupid to follow. It was most likely one of the few things in his system that wasn't prescribed by a doctor, so its bad... Stop listening to idiots
