Tuesday, December 19, 2023

I think, that a lot of the left still doesn't understand

 just how much some of the 'get Trump at any cost' idiocy has pissed off a LOT of people. Including actual liberals. So they keep pushing it because 'Anything is fair to save us from him!' Which brings us to Kevin's post. An excerpt from:
Public intellectual Sam Harris, who is a philosopher, neuroscientist and author, was on a podcast wherein he defended the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story. This man who advocates for Truth and Reason argued that it was a good thing that the story was suppressed, but he went even further:
Absolutely it was. Absolutely. But I think it was warranted. I don’t care what’s in Hunter Biden’s laptop. At that point, Hunter Biden literally could have had the corpses of children in his basement. I would not have cared.
“He then pivoted to an outlandish analogy that compared keeping Trump from winning a second term to working to ‘deflect’ an ‘asteroid hurtling toward Earth.'” (Source: New York Post.)

See what I mean?
So, SWAT raids on his home? Warranted.
Treason accusations? Warranted.
Rape accusations? Warranted.
Bogus prosecutions? Warranted.

And is pisses off more people who see what a political hit job this is, conducted by courts and federal and state agencies.  Including a DA who ran for office on "I'm going to get Trump!"  They keep pushing, and saying things that, if someone on the right/center said them about a Democrat, would have every one of the Usual Suspects screaming that "You're inciting people to kill him!"

"But it's DIFFERENT when WE do it!"  Etc.  With no concern for the damage done to the courts and the justice system.  Because they just don't care as long as they get what they want.  Which means this is likely to get real messy.


  1. RHT4477:00 AM

    I respectfully disagree. They understand perfectly, they just don't care. As many have noted, they will not stop until they ARE stopped. I call it the "Don Quixote" syndrome. Don Quixote was defeated by the Knight of Mirrors. The left dare not look in the mirror.

  2. Anonymous4:09 PM

    They can and will do anything for power. History was written by the winners. This evil truly plans to reign forever.
