Saturday, December 09, 2023

"Why won't you trust us? Believe us?"

Because you're lying bastards.
President Joe Biden's former Covid advisor has admitted the pandemic may have been borne out of a laboratory leak in Wuhan. Speaking at a New York City health conference this week, Dr Raj Panjabi, former Special Assistant to the President, described the lab leak theory as 'plausible' and called on Governments around the world to 'do more to keep labs safe.’
Dr Panjabi is just the latest high ranking official to give credence to the lab leak theory, after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former top health official Dr Robert Kadlec and former national security director John Ratcliffe all came out in support of it.

Speaking to Sky News last month, Dr Ratcliffe said: ‘It’s more than just a possibility, it’s certainly a probability and it’s probably a certainty.’ Dr Rober Kadlec, who initially worked with Dr Fauci to hush the lab leak theory, has suggested in a report that Covid likely escaped during the work of scientist Dr Zhou Yusen at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

Bold mine.


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Shut the fuck up already you COVID denying idiot.

  2. Apparently I hurt someone's feelings.

    And no.

    1. Anonymous10:56 PM

      Lots of covidiot trolls out there.

