Saturday, December 09, 2023

Chicago. Where some of the cops are just as useless as the prosecutors

You really need to read all of this.  One excerpt:
Graham remained on the loose for months. Between the time officers released him minutes after the attack and the filing of murder charges in October, he had been arrested six more times, according to court records:
On July 9, for trespassing at a River North church. The case was dropped on August 22.
On August 4, for throwing a bottle of gin through an Evanston store window. The case was dropped on September 5.
On August 16, he was charged with pushing a 14-year-old girl in the chest, causing her to fall over a bench. Evanston police said he pulled the girl by her ankle, causing her to suffer scrapes to her arms and legs. He received a sentence of 18 days time served on September 5.
He was charged with four felony counts of aggravated battery to police officers on September 22. Evanston police accused him of biting one officer on the hand, biting another officer on the thigh, kicking a third officer in the groin, and hitting a fourth officer.

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