Friday, December 22, 2023

France seems to be right at the point of no return

Anti-Semitic attacks in France are also becoming ever more frequent, and have exploded since the atrocious attacks in Israel on October 7 by the terrorist group Hamas. In 2022, there were 436 anti-Semitic acts officially recorded in France. In the few weeks between October 7 and December 1, 2023, there were 1,518 anti-Semitic acts recorded, many of them physical assaults. From examining the police reports, done by the French National Bureau for Vigilance against Anti-Semitism, BNVCA, it is sadly clear that all of them apparently came from Islamic anti-Semites. From the murder of Sébastien Sellam in 2003 to that of Mireille Knoll in 2018, all murders of Jews in France have been committed by radicalized Muslims.
Ethnic Muslim gangs raid shopping centers and parties in rural villages. Most of these assaults are also never mentioned in the media. One, however, recently attracted attention: at a party on November 19 in the town hall of Crépol, a village of five hundred people, members of a Muslim gang armed with long butcher knives came from the neighboring town, Romans-sur-Isère. Shouting "we are coming to kill white people", they attacked, murdering Thomas Perotto, aged 17, who had his throat slit. Seventeen other people were wounded, some seriously. Criminologist Xavier Raufer, asked about the attack, replied that raids like that take place throughout the country every week.

The government concealed the names of the attackers and clearly did everything it could to hide what had happened. A conservative journalist, Damien Rieu, obtained and disclosed them. Although the prosecutor in charge of the case received multiple testimonies that the attackers said they were "coming to kill white people," authorities maintain that the motive for the attack is "unknown".

A lot more at the link.  I once said that at some point a lot of French are going to remember who Charles Martel was, and why he was named The Hammer, and it's going to get real sporty in France.  But I think they're running out of time.


  1. Anonymous6:59 AM

    they will turn their attention next to the christians.

  2. Two world wars have left the remaining French men mentally castrated and cucked. I doubt they have enough testosterone left to fight this kind of invasion. Something similar has happened throughout Europe. The men of courage and virtue were wiped out in the wars. What was left isn't capable.

  3. The French are doomed. They allowed themselves to be disarmed. Now they are at the mercy of their quisling leadership an the evil animals that leadership imported. The criminal left has the same plans for America. Their only problem is finding a way to disarm us.

  4. Anonymous1:19 PM

    The french men better silently man the fuck up.

  5. well, what is the US doing about our invasion?
