Friday, December 22, 2023

As the holiday weekend has begun, I'd like to say

I appreciate those of you who read my stuff, and make sensible comments.  

I wrote a lot about blacksmithing early on, but eventually hit the point I was going to start repeating things.  And since I couldn't do much hammering anymore I couldn't really experiment with new steels/ideas, became more and more generally gun and knife stuff, reloading, and screaming at politicians and bureaucrats  and bad peace officers.  With some occasional eye candy.  Which you folks have tolerated.

Thanks, guys


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    You are much appreciated. Especially by us old codgers with a similar sense of humor.

    Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful, healthy, and safe New Year.

    D from Big D

  2. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Being a fellow codger, I love this site. I appreciate the varied materials here. You often supply stories I don't get anywhere else.

    And the eye candy is just that.

    A former Texan; now a Hoosier (don't particularly like that word - Hoosier - but it is the name)..

  3. Steve9:27 PM

    Very much appreciated good sir! Thank you!

  4. NavyEOD10:12 PM

    Bravo Zulu

  5. Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year Firehand :)

  6. Terrytheterrible6:06 AM

    What they said Fh. Blacksmithing always intrigued me, what one can do with fire and hand. Merry Christmas sir.

  7. Merry Christmas!

  8. Anonymous8:18 AM

    You are a daily read for me, so I appreciate ALL of your content, especially the "data." Please, by all means, continue posting!! Merry Christmas.

    Relatively Young Retired Guy in Texas

  9. Merry Christmas to you and yours and thank you for what has been a daily stop to read for quite a few years.

  10. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Thank you for keeping up one of my daily stops. Merry Christmas !

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      What ^^he^^ said.
      One of my favorite daily reads.

  11. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I've enjoyed your blog for a number of years for whatever you choose to post. Also I like the sixth and seventh eve.

    Merry Christmas, I pray we have a good 2024

    Deacon in Louisiana

  12. I was never a blacksmith, but have always admired those who were. The knowledge that they possess about how steels must be used depending on their metallurgical properties ties in with my lifelong work, that of making steel for the investment cast industry.
    Because of that work, and since I started in a shop that was very small and we took it to one of the largest suppliers of specialty steel in the world, I have more than the normal amount of knowledge of steels, from Iron based to Nickel and Cobalt based ones. And that also includes vacuum melted steels for the aerospace industry.
    When I see people speak about the qualities of various steels, from 1080 to 420C or 17-4 PPH, I actually know the chemistry of the steels and how they are made. So I have enjoyed the many times when you discussed steel for knives or even those used in guns, of which we made millions of pounds over the years.
    The steel used in many gun frames, 17-4 is actually used in the making of the tail fins of the Sidewinder missile. That is sometimes changed to 15-5, the same thing but with a bit different chemistry. The alloy is so useful because it accepts heat treating so very well.
    Have a wonderful holiday season, and many more to follow we pray.
