Tuesday, November 14, 2023

"We don't care about you commoners, we cleaned up the city

(at least this part of it) because bigshots are coming to visit."

Nice when they tell you what they actually think of you.


  1. I guess it's too much to hope for for at least one of the visiting bigwigs gets robbed/mugged/carjacked during the visit...

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      I agree with the thought, ( it would be the ultimate embarrassment to San Freakshitshow), but the rings of security will stop that literally dead in its tracks.
      Force that the peasants are *not* allowed to even think about.

      The violence won’t go away, it’s just going going to happen to the average guy/gal trying to get through life going to/from work.
      If John Doe uses force to stay alive, well that shit needs to be SHUT DOWN NOW!!

  2. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The bigger question is why can't the Chinese be bothered to fly to DC to meet with the pResident? Why does biden have to fly across the country to meet with them in Cali? Could the Chinese not be bothered to meet biden in DC, and instead force him to fly to 'Frisco, of all places, if he to be included in the pomp and ceremony?

  3. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Do. You. See.

    This Story says it ALL as to What they think of “Joe or Susie peasant”
    They Spit in your Face and Piss in your Cereal!!

    Everyone, should be Fucking Pissed Off and Swamping ALL politicians Phones, Emails, Texts, at every Public Appearence, Radio Call-in….

    Do. You. See.

    And btw… Why is there No Video of them Actually Cleaning the Place Out?? All i have manger to see is the End result.

  4. rickn8or, two foreign journalists were.

    Anony, probably because "We want you to come to US, since we consider you an inferior being."
