Tuesday, November 14, 2023

A predicted side effect of the Wuhan idiocy

The CDC has just reported that more parents than ever are getting vaccine exemptions for their children entering Kindergarten. For many of us who have witnessed the CDC’s repeated blunders with kids COVID19 vaccines, this result is entirely predictable. The CDC has lost the trust of the American people, and it will keep getting worse.
Yes, it will. A lot of these are tested, working vaccines, but the morons in charge scared and infuriated enough people("Your child must wear a mask!  They can't go to school!  Your kid must have the covid vaccine even if it is improperly/incompletely tested and has problems!"  Etc.) that it's causing doubts on others that are pretty safe and actually work.

A lot of kids and families are going to suffer because of this.


  1. Steve8:43 AM

    Some of the healthiest people on the planet that I know are those which refused any and all Vaccination since their children's birth. They put their trust in Jesus and cast out all fear. I see no better example of perfect love than that which has no fear. Don't belittle God by fearing any virus or sickness. I encourage all to proclaim that He is in control of it all and submit to His design.

  2. I would no longer assume that even the long used vaccines that have been around for decades are safe. I suspect that they too have been contaminated with mRNA and spike proteins in order to further the lefts goal of murdering millions.

  3. They aroused my suspicion when they claimed there was no mercury in vaccines...and then quietly removed the mercury. They lost me when they started pushing the HPV vaccine.

  4. Show me the autistic kid who has not been jabbed.

  5. Autism has been around a long time, and predates vaccines. There's an idea that some of the 'taken by the fae' stories about babies who changed overnight was because a kid who had the predisposition had a fever that triggered it during the night.

    As to some vaccine or combination given at the same time causing it, supposedly they've pretty much eliminated that as a cause. Of course, the Wuhan bullshit has cast so much doubt on our Medical Professionals that a lot of people are wondering again.

  6. Autism is rampant in the jabbed. If it predates jabs,fine. The increased jabbing schedule and autism rates look joined at the hip.
    Cancer predates smoking, I guess, but, Hey! If you're looking to increase your odds of getting it, have a smoke!

    I'm sure all the statistics on the Amish aren't sufficient to make a well trained American stop and actually Think, instead of just Do what the Awthorities say do.
