Monday, November 13, 2023

Oh, I hope this is causing some hospitals and doctors sleepless nights

and hemorrhoids.  Bad ones.  Because they deserve it.
Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital has been found liable for the medical kidnapping of Maya Kowalski, medical malpractice, billing fraud, and driving Beata Kowalski to suicide. In a groundbreaking decision, a Florida jury found the hospital liable for every charge brought forward by the plaintiffs and awarded compensatory damages in the amount of just over $211 million. Then they awarded $50 million in punitive damages against the hospital that colluded with DCS to falsely imprison a medically complex child over false allegations that her mother had Munchausen by Proxy.
Yeah, they'll appeal, and drag this out as long as they can.  But it's a start

I forgot to post this the other day, and now I've lost the bloody link.  Here's some background.  And another link on the story.


  1. Just seeing the truth acknowledged in the world we live in is a glimmer of hope for People.

  2. The groupthink of medical people id only overshadowed by the groupthink of cops and the "justice" system.

    Once they decide you are the enemy yer fucked.
