Monday, November 13, 2023

Is the EffingBI worth a crap for ANYTHING anymore?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, by its own admission, neglected at least one critical investigation into horrific child sexual exploitation, while diverting agency resources toward investigating those thought to be involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, events at the U.S. Capitol.

An example of FBI misdirecting its resources is the disturbing case of an Alaska man, Brogan T. Welsh, who allegedly distributed child pornography and expressed disgusting fantasies online about anally raping male children.

The FBI had Welsh in its sights and was set to bring charges against him. Even one week before Jan. 6, 2021, the man they believe is Welsh was trying to get a sex date with a prepubescent boy online.

But the FBI but dropped the case on Jan. 6, 2021, according to the FBI’s Statement of Facts to the court. It had more important things to investigate – Trump supporters.

How many other cases of equal or greater severity have been dropped by the FBI in favor of targeting politically active Americans?

Hey, they didn't care about lots of gymnasts being raped at a university, what makes you think they'll give a crap about a child molester when they can chase political undesirables for bullshit charges?


  1. And there I was, believing I had the appropriate and deserved amount of disgust and outrage in my heart for that unamerican assemblage of fraudulent badge carrying commies. Dammm...dropped an investigation that, from the sounds of things should have already resulted in an arrest, so they can go make bank on overtime poring over images and phone data and determining who those idiots are who are operating under the delusion that their behavior is not illegal??
    Well, it Wasn't, but there ya go.
    I wouldn't want to fail to qualify for inclusion on an important list,so
    Let's Go Brandon
    Russia Russia Russia is A proven political hit job,manufactured by Hillary and Co.
    MY list is long..
    Put me on yours.

  2. Anonymous4:26 PM

    The Cabal

  3. Anonymous4:33 PM

    It makes more sense after you understand that birds of a feather flock together instead of arresting each other... That only happens if someone gets off their reservation or squeals. Even then those are normally murdered or chased to the ends of the earth. Those three letter organizations do not have the best interest for anyone other than themselves.
