Friday, November 17, 2023

It seems a lot of the young anti-Jew/anti-America protesters have discovered bin Laden,

and think he's just wonderful.

Promoted by TikTok(surprise!  PRC connections, gee, I wonder why they'd promote this?), and 
"Palestine, which has sunk under military occupation for more than 80 years. The British handed over Palestine, with your help and your support, to the Jews, who have occupied it for more than 50 years; years overflowing with oppression, tyranny, crimes, killing, expulsion, destruction and devastation," bin Laden alleged.
is music to the ears of the idiots.  Of course, since he hated Jews and the US.

Isn't it just freaking wonderful?


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Read his entire Letter to America. Very little of it is incorrect. You might be fine with the immoral, unconstitutional, and illegal actions of the US government and those of other western nations, but that doesn't change the truth of them. If you are unwilling to look at the actions of your own government that engender hatred of YOU by billions around the globe, then you are anything but a good citizen or a responsible person. Even the 9-11 Commission, a supreme whitewash/lie job, nonetheless acknowledged that the past actions of the US government led to the actions attributed to OBL, etc. Of course Cheney, Bush, the CIA, and Mossad were responsible for 9-11, but even that Commission could put two and two together.

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      And that makes it all okay, then?
      Whatever, dude.

  2. In response to Anonymous, I have to say that your entire post is full of crap. To imply that it is acceptable for terrorists to attack and kill nearly 3,000 American citizens on 9/11 planned by the same wacko who also was responsible for the embassy bombings in East Africa in the late 1990's is unacceptable in any civilized nation.
    Bin Laden not only was rejected by his family, but also his country due to his fanatical embrace of fatwa holy wars against the United States. The fact is, he died without a country, something that should have been unthinkable for a man born to not only great wealth but who also used that families great wealth to make use of the education system, even attending Oxford University in England for 3 years. Apparently his lack of a degree did not keep him from declaring jihad on the Great Satan, and his personality along with his previous fighting in Afghanistan allowed him to gain many followers in the Muslim religion.
    The letter by Bin Laden claims that the Muslim religion, which some have had the nerve to call a religion of peace, is only following the Quran when they defend themselves against the attacks of America against them. Of course the selective interpretation is typical of most Muslims when talking to any person that is not Muslim, called an Infidel. Their fail to mention that their religious text also not only encourages but commands that anyone who is not of their faith to be either converted or killed.
    The thing that angers many people, myself included, is not that a terrorist like Usama Bin Laden calls for Jihad against America. That is something that is expected, and we as a nation are able to at least understand and deal with it. What enrages people so much is that just like the recent attacks in Israel, which were perpetrated by Hamas, the terrorist arm of the elected government of the Palestinian people, so many over educated but unthinking people come out in support of the slaughter of innocent civilians with no connection to the hostilities.
    Of course if you read anything by writers on pretty much anything other than right in the middle, they always attempt to blame Israel for their own horrific attacks, not only that which was done on Oct. 7, but those which had been done without cease over the last 50 years, by those in the West Bank or Gaza. Rockets, burning hot air ballons, suicide vests are only some of the methods used by the "mostly peaceful Palestinians."
    We should also mention the aid to the Palestinians from the United States that was intended to build infrastructure like electricity, fuel, etc. but was instead diverted by Hamas to build the tunnels that they use to house hostages, and to move to and from the border with Israel.
    America is a large target for not only those nations like Iran and China, but also for people who would seek to blame her for the attacks by those who would see her downfall. They would do well to remember that without America the world would likely be left back one hundred years of more due to the leadership in so many things. Even with our problems, especially those of leadership on both sides of the aisle, we still have much more things to do that will make the world a better place. It would be too bad if those from within are the reason for that not to happen.
    Firehand, I apologize for such a long rant. Please edit or erase as you see fit.
