Friday, November 17, 2023

I may not be able to smith much anymore, but I still like reading about discoveries

like this.
A study and excavation led by University College London (UCL) and published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, found evidence of chromium steel production in Chahak, southern Iran, dating back to the 11th century.

Up until the discovery it was widely accepted that the practice was a 20th century innovation made in the West.

Our various ancestors were not stupid(that they didn't die and we're here is some of the evidence), and produced a lot of things.  For instance, after reading about part of the Anglo-Saxon method of making a sword in England, I've said "If you asked them about carbon migration they wouldn't know what the hell you were talking about, but they could use the idea to help produce fine blades."

History.  You wonder just how much we do not know.


  1. History,, how much is being kept from us and how much of what we know is what someone wanted to be believed?

    When they taught the Civil War in the school I went to, the answer to
    What caused the Civil War was Slavery.
    I've talked to people who said they were taught it was because the North were using legislation and abusing the South.
    Someone got taught something that didn't align with reality.
    And yes, discoveries like that are fascinating.

  2. I got lost over there. If you have any other sites like that, I would enjoy checking them out.
