Tuesday, August 29, 2023

A bit of subsonic testing

Before I start, since I'll be including some specs on the loads, I must add this
These are loads I worked up.  Some was from data on different bullets, some was figured on my own.  They worked for me, I can't guarantee they will for you.  So use with caution, if you do.

That out of the way, I'd mentioned before using Berry's plated 200-grain .308 bullets, intended for .300 Blackout, with a 7.62x39.  Did some tweaking of the load, and got this at 30 yards the other day:

That used 12.8 grains of CFEBLK, with the bullet seated to just below maximum overall length.  Considering the so-so rest, not bad.  The original load was lower, and it worked, but there was a lot of fouling on the outside of the case, indicating the pressure was low enough that the case wasn't expanding enough for a good seal.  So worked this up in 0.1 grain increments, which got gave this accuracy and much less fouled cases, and no signs of high pressure.

Second, while back I'd mentioned getting some blemished bullets from Midway, .308 190-grain that shot very nicely at 30 yards.  Finally had the chance to/remembered to take them when went to the outdoor range.  These were shot at 100 yards using the center and bottom-right aiming points.

The center was these bullets in Sig cases over 10.5 grains of H4198, bottom right the same load in Federal cases, with the OAL just below max.  With the Strike Eagle scope, this was using the third stadia line as the aiming point.  This was much better than I'd hoped for.

I tried a few at 200, but couldn't figure out the holdover with the ones I had left.  That's for the future.  Right now I'm going to see if they've got any more of those bullets and order some if they do.
No, no velocity readings today, other people there when I arrived and didn't want to hold things up too long while I was arranging things.  That's for the future, too.

1 comment:

  1. I had good luck with Lehigh and Maker 190g bullets and also the Berrys 220g Bullets. I used A1680 and H110. 300 BLK is a great round but I had issues hilling hogs, just not enough power subsonic.


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