Monday, June 19, 2023

Gee, you think MAYBE?

Former Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Director Robert Redfield is ‘very disappointed’ in Fauci’s lack of interest in pursuing the real origins of the pandemic in order to protect gain-of-function research.

“Tony and I have been friends for a long time, but I’m very disappointed in how he’s responded to this,” Redfield said. “Largely, I think it’s grounded in his advocacy for gain-of-function research.”

“I think, as you know, he’s a strong advocate for gain-of-function research, and I’m a strong advocate for a moratorium on gain-of-function research.”

And, to add to that,
Professor Robert Garry, a respected microbiologist who works at Tulane University in New Orleans, is one of five bylined on a paper in March 2020 entitled ‘The Proximal Origin of Sars-Cov-2’.

…The letter, published in the journal Nature Medicine, concluded: ‘We do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.’

Now, Dr Garry has told the BBC this statement was never meant to dismiss all types of potential lab leak.

Speaking to Fever: The Hunt for Covid’s Origin, an eight-part BBC Radio 4 series, he said they were aiming to dismiss the idea the virus had been intentionally crafted as a bioweapon.

‘At that point we were still largely under the influence, when that particular sentence was written, with the notion that this may have been a bioengineered virus or maybe a weapon that just sort of accidentally released,’ he said.

But pressed by John Sudworth, the BBC’s former Beijing Correspondent, on how the paper’s principal conclusion covered all types of lab leaks, such as a from a disease research facility, Professor Garry admitted the wording was wrong.

‘Maybe we went a little too far there,’ he said.

1 comment:

  1. There was no lab "leak". There WAS a staged accident along with a staged cover-up of the accident. The evidence of this "accident" and "cover-up" has been preserved and will be miraculously discovered when the CCP and others involved can no longer deny that the lab was the source. They will use the evidence to deflect blame and further delay the discovery of the real truth, that the CCP, WEF, WHO, UN, Bill Gates, and many, many other elite globalists, weaponized the virus over a period of years and intentionally released it worldwide as part of a larger plan in order to accelerate their agenda. This plan requires the collapse of the US, a global government, abolition of capitalism, currencies and world markets, and will ultimately lead to the culling and total control of the population. Don't think so? Then you're not paying attention.


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