Friday, May 19, 2023

To take some of the bad taste out of the mouth, a bit of ammo testing

A .300 Blackout day, starting with two handloads:
First, the disclaimer:
This did not come out of a manual, and involved some "This works with that bullet, so it should work with this one", so be warned: if you try these, you're on your own.

One was the 200-grain Berry's plated bullet over 8.0 grains of Lil Gun, which at 30 yards off a so-so rest produced this
Not bad, nothing to write home about.  

Second load used 8.2 of the same propellant
Either I settled into the rest better, or it liked that extra .2 grains.  
Unfortunately, no way to run it over the Chrony, that'll have to wait for another day.  Which should also involve longer distances as well.  I think these would be very quieted by a can, too.

The last is courtesy of Widener's, who were nice enough to provide some ammo* to try out.  This is a brand I'd never heard of before, Ammo Incorporated
The box says 1850fps at the muzzle.  How'd it shoot at 30?  Not bad
This will definitely be tried at 50, 100, and 200 if possible.

Further testing on all three will require both time and Ma Nature not threatening to wash me away, so may be a while.  But it will be done.

*There were a couple of others, too.  Get to them as I can.


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Nice grouping.
    I've never shot .300's and I've noted when you post, that your shots all go low of center. Is that to be expected with subsonics or is that where you prefer to aim?

  2. With this rifle and standard ammo, a little below point of aim is normal at this distance, and the subsonics are a bit lower than that.


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