Saturday, May 20, 2023

The desire for hate crimes still far exceeds the supply

Woman tries to rent a bike to get home.  Some black guys screw with her.  She gets very upset.  This becomes 'White woman tries to steal bike from black man', with the Usual Suspects doing their usual racist act.

Slight problem.  It was bullshit, and some of them knew it when they started screaming.  And a bunch of Professional Journalists, having learned nothing, jumped right on 'evil white woman weaponizing her tears to harm black men'.

I hope she sues every one of the lying bastards involved for everything they have.


  1. Anonymous5:47 AM

    They hate people they do not know enough to do this to themselves. It isn't a crime it is complete lunacy. This country was not designed to govern lunatics.

  2. Sadly, she'll probably lose her job in the name of so called equality. She'll be unemployed and pregnant because some racists wanted to post a video making themselves out to be victims.


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