Thursday, May 11, 2023

Kim Gardner was a Soros prosecutor, and is one of the few

facing real consequences for the lives she's screwed up.
Riley, 21, was out on bond for a 2020 robbery charge that was dismissed and re-filed last year. A spokesperson for Circuit Attorney Kimberly M. Gardner defended the office on Tuesday, saying the case was dropped and re-filed because the victim died before trial, throwing a wrench into prosecution. The spokesperson also said the final ruling on whether a suspect’s bond is revoked is in the hands of a judge.

But a judge’s order from the day the case was dropped shows the victim was alive and present for the hearing, and prosecutors weren’t ready to proceed. And court officials said they never knew Riley violated his bond, because prosecutors never filed a motion to revoke it.

Bold mine.
This is the slimy little bastard who'd violated his situation multiple times, with Gardner & Co. doing nothing, until he ran over someone and cost them their legs.

And she's still not meeting court orders.

Prison is where she belongs.


  1. So, if you rob someone, get caught, get arrested and charged but your victim dies, the charges are dismissed? Seems just a bit fucked up.

  2. If your chief witness dies just before trial, you'll have to rethink your trial strategy, which will probably take a few days. But:

    1) That generally doesn't mean you have to dismiss the case and let the guy go - unless you have a long record of screwups in this case already, and the judge is too p.o.d at your previous delays to give you another break, or the case has been dragged out so long that another delay puts it in violation of the "speedy trial" clause in the Constitution.

    2) But that doesn't matter, since the victim/witness was alive and in court. The prosecutor office either lied about the victim dying, or was so fouled up they didn't know what was going on. Either way, the firings should start at the top and proceed downwards until they find someone who is competent and ethical - or have gotten rid of everyone above the building custodian and are ready to start hiring an entirely new team.


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