Thursday, May 11, 2023

From the EffingBI: "We received your subpoena, but we're going to delay

and cause problems as long as possible, and use 'confidentiality' as our excuse.  You actually expect US to respond to you?"

Either cleaned out and started over, or done away with, this agency has to be dealt with.


  1. What happens to someone not "above the law" who blows off a subpoena from the House Oversight Committee?

  2. Only way is to fire them all and start over. In fact we need to fire half of all DC government workers and see how much better the place runs. I could go on but you get the idea!

  3. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Stevie and Helen saw that one coming..

  4. Anonymous3:40 AM

    So lemme get this straight,
    Comer and grassley want these docoments because the biden bribes pose a threat to national security, but the fbi won't release the documents because doing so would pose a threat to national security.
    You just can't make this shit up.

  5. Remove all FBI funding from the next appropriations bill.


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