Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Yeesh. When you actually want to do yard work, but

part of you doesn't want to...
Yes, the hip is still a problem.  And I need to get and appointment and see where we go from here.  Of course, it doesn't help that had to go on a drive a few days ago to take care of Mom's yard, and it flat wore me out.  Managed to finish, but... 

May have to find a yard guy in her area to take care of it if this doesn't get better.


  1. I hate to say it but ask them to verify the size of the replacement part. My son had his hip replaced and had constant pain. Went back a couple of times and they docs finally figured out the installed the wrong size. Replaced the small one with the much larger one (obvious difference on x rays) and he has no problems now.

  2. Trumpeter3:56 PM

    45 years ago I had both knees fixed. My surgeon pointedly told me about an elderly patient that came in asking about a knee replacement. Seems she went strawberry picking every year with her daughter and made jam. But her knees were so painful she couldn't do it this year.
    After reviewing the costs, both $ and pain/side effects the doc recommended expensive store bought jam as much cheaper.


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