Thursday, April 13, 2023

Today wound up involving a lot more driving than expected, and

and put me about six hours behind.  So I'm going to link a few things.

The American Library Association is apparently shooting for the title of Groomer Central.

Short version of something I read about two years or so ago, which fits this story:
"So I have a penis, I still identify as a female!  So if you won't have sex with me it means you're a transphobe, and I'll spread the word and ruin you!"
Which boils down to using blackmail to get away with rape.  Isn't that just effing wonderful?

“The women, up until the MeToo movement, always lost, always lost. Then MeToo was totally an overreach and got disgusting and weird and political. We started just emerging with scalps without any probing or facts, and it fell apart thanks to the Left, frankly, and what they did to [Brett] Kavanaugh and Time’s Up,” Kelly said.

The latter refers to the failed organization’s allegiance with accused abuser Gov. Andrew Cuomo and inability to defend alleged victims like Tara Reade. The former staffer of then-Sen. Joe Biden claims the Democrat sexually attacked her in 1993.

“We’re back to where we started … the progress has been eroded. The MeToo movement has been exploded and women really have nowhere to turn. You can leave the set in tears after being screamed at by [Lemon], who I bet has a long HR personnel file, and they just say, ‘re-educating training, bye.’ Not good enough.”

Yeah, when the accusations about Biden raping her came out, and his fondling of both women and underage girls was brought back up(with the left either ignoring that or making excuses), MeToo just kind of disappeared for some reason.

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