Monday, April 24, 2023

It also appears that either Biden is incapable of learning, or doesn't give a rats ass about leaving Americans behind.

Again.   Bastards.

Picture from here


  1. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Both apply, but the disdain for Americans is the greater motivation.

    Subotai Bahadur

  2. Once again it must be pointed out that Pedo Joe Biden is NOT IN CHARGE. He's the quintessential puppet. ALL he cares about is a fresh pair of Depends, a pudding pop and new 8 year old to molest. He doesn't make ANY decisions, he only does what he is told to do...when he is coherent. Which is less and less often. He doesn't even sign many of the EO's that spew from the White House. His handlers sign them using an AutoPen. The people in charge were NOT elected, are NOT accountable, and the majority of them are ANONYMOUS. Unknown to us.

  3. Mike-SMO8:52 PM

    Putin sends Russian to die in the Ukraine. Biden leaves Americans to die in the Sudan or Afghanistan. Not difference. The citizens are a burden to be used for whatever scheme the leader has in mind. The citizens are just small change to be left on the table of glory. Same-O. Same-O. For all the "leaders". Putin seems enchanted by the power and glory. "Slo Joe" just wants his cut of the take.

  4. Anonymous7:22 PM

    BBC has plenty of coverage of British and European air forces' C-17s, A-400s and C-130s evacuating their nationals....

  5. commoncents:

    "House Republicans narrowly passed sweeping legislation Wednesday that would raise the government’s legal debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion in exchange for steep spending restrictions..."

    Annnnd the Republicans fall for it again; debt ceiling increase now, "steep spending restrictions" never.


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