Thursday, April 27, 2023

Holy shit. The Wuhan hysterics have a LOT to answer for

This is from 2020:
But researchers say the primary driver of the global rise of stillbirths is not coronavirus infection itself. Instead, they believe that people, including pregnant women may have avoided seeking care amid lockdowns and for fear they might contract the virus at a hospital.
Because they'd been scared to death.

Now this:
A new study by by German researchers has concluded that face masks can cause carbon dioxide poisoning when worn even for short periods and may have contributed significantly to stillbirths when worn by pregnant women, as well as testicular dysfunction and cognitive decline in children, among other destructive health issues.
There's a link to the actual study, which includes this:
Interestingly, most of the tested N95 respirators and surgical masks performed at their worst against particles approximately between 0.04 and 0.2 μm, which includes the sizes of Coronavirus and Influenza virus [9]. Indeed, some modelling and in vitro laboratory simulation studies (artificial conditions) aim to demonstrate less virus transmission when masks are used [11–13]. However, they have pitfalls, e.g. by only mathematically estimating the effect of mask wearing on transmission (no direct measurement of the effect by the observer himself, use of external data from a Facebook survey to derive mask wearing without in-depth quality assessment of wearing data, estimates of mask wearing) [11]. Accordingly, the study only points out that unobserved factors can influence R [11].
According to experimental studies, masks act like nebulizers and produce finer aerosols in percentage terms. An ejection of a 60% fraction of particles with 0.3–0.5 μm when breathing through N95, 46% with surgical and only 35% without mask has been measured [14]. Such smaller particles fly further and also float around the room longer than the larger aerosol particles released by people without masks [14]. This is due to rapid gravitational settling, respiratory droplets larger than 100 μm are removed from the air in seconds [12] while smaller particles remain in the air longer.
Every politician and medical clown insisting "Wear a mask or you're killing us!" deserves a flogging.  In the initial period I  might excuse some of the errors, but after the problems with masks were being talked about, and the talkers being silenced by the assholes at Twatter and Fecesbook and politicians?  Again, I suggest flogging.


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Hysterics is the correct term. In Canada in an average year, 15 to 18 thousand people die from the flu. In the first 30 months of the pandemic, 50,000 deaths were attributed to Covid-19 and no deaths were attributed to the seasonal flu. So Covid-19 added 8,750 deaths in a population of 38,000,000 in 2-1/2 years. To put that 8,750 in perspective approximately 212,500 died of cancer during that same period.

    I'm certain that when future historians examine the Covid-19 years they will call it the greatest mass hysteria event in history.

  2. Within aerosols (something everybody has seen at the dentist, the fine droplets (mist) that flys outta your mouth when the dentist is drilling). Its whats inside the droplets called drop nuclie. When the aerosols dry, the particulate inside the drop nuclie can travel and masks are irellevant.
    We ran Hepa all during covid and had no issues.

  3. Don't tell Aesop !!!!


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