Friday, March 17, 2023

Seems a current leftist thing is "You can't even define 'woke', you right-wing jerk!"

Mostly because said 'woke' has become a problem, and lots of people, caught in a moment, do have trouble defining it.  Found this, which does a good job of why the left would like it to go away:
In 2014, after the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, the #staywoke hashtag became a digital rallying cry around Black Lives Matter activism. Then, in the Trump years, progressives freed the slogan from its BLM context and deployed it wherever needed. Which is why you’d see pieces in the New York Times such as, “In Defense of ‘Woke,’” by Damon Young. In 2017, a photo of a baby wearing a “stay woke” sign at a Women’s March event went viral. Stacey Abrams spoke at something called the “stay woke” rally in 2018. When the pandemic hit in 2020, #stayhome #staywoke hashtags appeared on liberal Twitter. By the time George Floyd was killed by Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis, every white liberal interested in signaling his revolutionary sympathies was advertising his wokeness. As Aja Romano noted candidly in Vox in October 2020, “‘woke’ has evolved into a single-word summation of leftist political ideology, centered on social justice politics and critical race theory. This framing of ‘woke’ is bipartisan: It’s used as a shorthand for political progressiveness by the left, and as a denigration of leftist culture by the right.”

That’s right. Back then, both sides understood that wokeness had become a leftist catch-all term. Conservatives still do, but the Left decided to erase its own role in this history. Why? Because soon after 2020, wokeness became an embarrassment and a political liability. The country started to reject the widespread radical project. In November 2021, Republican Glenn Youngkin was elected governor of Virginia. At the time, Democratic strategist James Carville was asked what went wrong. “Well, what went wrong is this stupid wokeness,” he said. “Some of these people need to go to a woke detox center or something.”

It's become a problem, so they want to change it to 'some right-wing thing'.
But short of detox, there’s always wishful thinking. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded to Carville by claiming that “woke” was “a term almost exclusively used by older people these days.” The Left has been trying to fight the term ever since, pretending that it’s something cooked up by racist right wingers to discredit their opponents. As we get closer to the 2024 election, we’re going to see more of this revisionism.

Sorry, wokesters. Live by the hashtag, die by the hashtag. It’s not our fault that you made yourselves easy targets of parody and derision. You took every scattered strain of ill-considered social-justice leftism—from defunding the police to erasing biological sex—put it in a box, wrapped it in a bow, and labeled it “woke.” And it turned out to be a gift to the right.

1 comment:

  1. Sailorcurt10:32 AM

    The left does this over and over again...the problem isn't the term, the problem is what it represents; but they try to disguise what they represent by constantly changing the terms. Every time one sticks and becomes associated with their ideology, it becomes a pejorative and they distance themselves from it as if it's the term itself that causes the derision.

    Same reason so many gun control groups have changed their names obfuscate their agenda.

    Interestingly, as hard as the left tries, every time they try to turn a term against us, it just bounces off. They try to use MAGA as a term of derision, but we strangely don't try to distance ourselves from it, we agree with them. When Obama derided those of use who "cling to God and guns" we embraced the description. When Hillary declared us "Deplorables" we celebrated being counted amongst that August group.

    Because we aren't trying to hide what we're about and what we believe because we know we're right. They constantly try to hide their agenda because they know as well as we do that it's not only unpopular, but it's outright damaging to our nation.

    So, every time a term becomes associated with their agenda, they run away from it. And always will.
