Thursday, March 16, 2023

It appears some scientists implanted stem cells from deer to mice

to make them grow antlers.

Comment from the cat


  1. We already HAVE deer mice. Give your balls a tug, scientists.

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Google is screwing with the sign in, I can't sign in to any blog with Google. This is the 6th I've tried today.

  3. So, will this make my jackalope head more valuable or less? I can never figure out these investment strategies.

  4. OK, so now we hunt mice by enticing them in by rattling the tiny little antlers together. What caliber should we use, and do we need tiny little tags?

  5. Anonymous7:25 PM

    .177 air rifle. Set it up like a mini-sniping* course, with bait, of course.
    (*9mm casings at about 35 yards, approximates the drop and windage of a 7.62 NATO at 1000, and the visual size of a man-sized target at that range).
    But I dont think that my taxidermist will want to do a full mount. :-(
    John in Indy

  6. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Oh great, as if claws and fangs aren't enuf when they get pissed. Now I gotta worry about getting gored.

  7. Phssthpok9:26 AM

    Everyone knows Bill Murrray solved that problem over 30 years ago!
