Friday, February 24, 2023

When you think those asshats can't get worse, 'The View' demonsrates that it can

Joy Behar says the residents of East Palestine got what they deserved because they voted for Trump. "That's who you voted for!" she shouted at the camera. "In that district. Donald Trump, who reduces all safety. He did in those days."
Of course.  If nothing else, this bullshit might distract from Biden & Co. making a really lousy response.  Like it taking how long for Buttigieg to bother showing up(and then acting like a jerk)?

ABC, such a nest you've grown.


  1. She is pandering to her base and heaven forfend she say anything bad about Biden. despite the obvious correlation between the railroads' abusive labor practices and relentless cost cutting and a crash caused by a failed hot box detector. I'll add a bonus slap at Pete Buttigeig because his buddies at McKinsey came up with "precision scheduled railroading".

  2. they don't want to acknowledge the accident b/c brandon blocked the strike, which was partly due to safety concerns of the crews. norfolk southern owns the dems and they are calling in their markers to suppress this potential multi billion dollar debacle.
