Thursday, February 23, 2023

"The problem isn't that being fat is bad for your health,

it's that people take notice that you're too fat!  And there's not enough intersectionality!"
Harrop specializes in “eating disorders,” “weight stigma,” and “medical social work,” according to her faculty biography. Her work relies on an “intersectional social-justice-informed, fat liberation, and [HAES] lens.”
Translation: "I have a very good grift going here!  I use all the right words so the leftists support me no matter how it may harm patients!"

I swear, the moment you hear a doctor/professor/activist uses 'stigma', 'intersectional', 'liberation' and a few other words, you know they're full of shit without hearing anything else.


  1. There is no such thing as fat and fit. Obese is SO much more than merely how you look-m it is a path to taking years off your lifespan.

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Generally yes, that’s true.
      On the other hand, if two people get cancer - one skinny and one plump, who gets eaten up first?
