Monday, February 20, 2023

When a place like (formerly Great)Britain takes '1984' as a training manual

The area surrounding the facility near where she prayed has been covered by a local Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO), in force since November, which prohibits prayer, distributing information about pregnancy help services, and other activities considered to constitute 'protest'.

ADF said in a release this morning: 'The volunteer, who has supported women in crisis pregnancies for over twenty years, was charged with 'protesting and engaging in an act that is intimidating to service users,' despite the fact that the abortion facility was closed during the time in which she was present and praying, and despite her clear statement that she was not there to protest.'
'Why here of all places? I know you don't live nearby,' the officer asked.

She responded: 'But this is an abortion centre.'

The officer said: 'Okay, that's why you're stood here. Are you here as part of a protest? Are you praying?'

She denied she was protesting but when asked if she was praying she said: 'I might be praying in my head, but not out loud.'

The officer then arrested her on suspicion of failing to comply with a public spaces protection order - an arrest which sparked online debate.


  1. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Fuck these clowns.
    When praying in your head is grounds for arrest, it’s time to start cutting throats.

  2. Her case was dismissed. Unfortunately, the police officers who did this were probably not punished.

  3. Yes, it was dismissed; the fact that she was arrested in the first place is a huge warning sign.

  4. Anonymous2:57 PM

    This is news? Am I the only one old enough to remember "free speech zones"?

  5. Oh yeah, we remember. Also the 'no-go zones' that they wouldn't officially admit existed, and an actual poster telling people that all the cameras made them safer 'under the watchful eye of Big Brother'.

    It's just amazing watching them learn nothing except that most of their subjects won't actually do anything as it goes to the next step.
