Monday, February 20, 2023

No telling if anything will come of it, but a real truth commission to investigate

what these bastards did would be nice.
A respected medical scientist whose accurate analysis on COVID-19 was improperly censored during the early days of the pandemic says the federal government and Big Tech played a "malign role" and placed public health at risk by colluding to create a false picture that all Americans faced the same risk from the virus and needed to follow identical mitigation strategies.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a Stanford University medical professor, says he is now working with other scientists who were silenced during the early COVID-19 debate to build momentum for a "truth commission" on the failures of public health officials and identify the questions that Congress needs to answer so America doesn't repeat such failures in future medical crises.

"What Big Tech did essentially I think caused tremendous harm to the American people," Bhattacharya told the "Just the News, No Noise" television show Wednesday night. "I suppose that if we had had an open and honest debate in 2020, 2021 about school openings, so many of our kids wouldn't have missed a year and a half or more of school, wouldn't have had the learning loss, wouldn't have had the lifelong harm done to them that we did with these lockdown policies."

A bunch of people need to become unemployed at the least.  And if they can't be criminally charged, I'd guess there's a pretty good chance they could be sued.  I can hope, at least.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    No point in Truth without Consequences. Crimes against humanity charges, trials, and executions. Nothing less will restore balance.
