Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Several people commenting on the Russia post mentioned evil;

 We've got quite enough of that here.  Being pushed hard.
Based on these emails, it’s time to talk about something. There’s a new meme taking hold among both the explicit propagators of evil and the flying monkeys who help them by propping up gender ideology, its foundation.

It’s popped up occasionally for a couple of years. It’s popping up more often now.

Going by previous patterns, including the move to get people to say “Minor Attracted Person” or “MAP” instead of “pedophile,” (which most of the academic types and some ordinary, otherwise-sane people have started using on Twitter and other social media), it seems likely to me that this one isn’t far from a crucial point. This tipping point is the point where it’ll become widely known enough that, if not exactly “mainstream,” enough people will know what it means that it’ll amount, in practical terms, to the same thing.

The idea that people are seeing spread on social media and sending to me relates, in a parallel fashion, to the notion of “transage,” which, unlike “transrace,” has a real chance at succeeding.

Short version: "This person may be chronologically 12, but feels like 18, so it's wrong to prevent them from having sex with a chronologically much older person!"

Anything to make children more accessible for sexrape, it seems.  Oh yes, we have evil to deal with.


  1. Yeah, Russia is doing far more to fight this than we are. Who ae the evil ones?

  2. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Thank you for pointing out that there is real evil walking among us and that we are being distracted on purpose from "seeing" it. Classic Satan playbook stuff. Labeling Russians as evil is frankly sophomoric. They are xenophobic, prone to real depression and any citizen over 40 has the added burden of being exposed to sheer godlessness at the hands of the Soviets. Amoral, maybe, but there is far more evil roaming this country to be overly concerned with Russian "evil".

  3. Sailorcurt11:19 AM

    So if my biological age is 15 but I identify as 21, I can legally buy a fifth of Jim Beam, a pack of Winston's and a Glock 19 at the local ATF right?

    Why stop at age?

    I identify as 6'2", 180lbs and Brad Pitt's twin so I can have that put on my driver's license (including Brad Pitt's picture) right?

    It's just as legit.

    BTW: When we allow them to control the language - i.e. "undocumented migrant" rather than illegal alien; "Minor attracted person" rather than pedophile, etc - we've already lost. Please feel free to beat any right leaning person who uses such terminology about the head and shoulders until they relent and return to the English language.

  4. Kruschev told us 60 years ago we would end up living under communism....under evil. And he was right. While we were busy winning the cold war openly they were busy infiltrating and destroying America from within.

  5. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Please feel free to beat any right leaning person who uses such terminology

    You mispelled LEFT leaning.
    I agree with the sentiment though..
    How about we kick the shit out of all dipsticks that use prostituded language just because.

  6. @Anonymous: Russians generally aren't evil, but Putin is.

  7. Anonymous5:32 AM

    People the world over aren’t generally evil. Governments and the power mad that seek to rule over their fellow man are. Eod1sg Ret

  8. Anonymous5:33 AM

    I prefer to call them perverts.

  9. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I identify as an AVAP: attracted to violence against pedophiles. If they keep their impulses under control, I'll try to keep mine under control.

  10. Sailorcurt12:00 PM

    "You mispelled LEFT leaning.
    I agree with the sentiment though.."

    No, I spelled it correctly. Of course the left is going to use their bastardized language, that's what they do.

    What I don't get is people on the right who acquiesce and follow along like good little sheep.

    How many pundits on the right still use the term "illegal alien"? Why not?

    It's because they're TERRIFIED of being branded a racist, so they meekly acquiesce and let the left dictate the terms of the discussion. And, so, we lose. Again.

    Anyone on the right who allows their vocabulary to be dictated by the left is a coward and should be resoundingly ignored (and/or, as previously suggested, beat about the head and shoulders) by the rest of us.
