Monday, January 23, 2023

Russian thinking, from someone with very good reason

to have studied it.


  1. Since when did evil need a reason.....Russia, especially those in power, has long been poisoned by communist ideology which is the embodiment of evil. And evil exists simply to further evil.

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Evil isn't restricted to countries.
      Plenty of it in our own backyard: corrupt congressmen, president, and bureaucrats who poisoned the populace and stole our money. "Mostly peaceful" protesters who should be turned into mostly pieceful ex-protesters.
      Teachers and admin that pollute our children's minds with self-destructive thoughts....
      Russia is the least of any worries on my mind.

  2. Dan: It isn't just communism. Russia under the Tsars was as absolutist as pre-industrial technology allowed, pretty evil, and ever-expanding. It used every opportunity to bring a bit more land and some more foreigners under their rule, and there was never any hesitation about violence. In other words, the same as Russia under the Soviets (as soon as the massive damage the Bolsheviks did to their industrial capability and military command structure was sufficiently repaired), and the same as Russia now under Putin.
