Tuesday, October 11, 2022

This is going to take a while

I still keep expecting to see Security Staff looking around the garage, or sleeping on the floor in that spot when I look up.  Dammit.


  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    They are our most loyal and faithful companions.

    When they leave, they take a part of us with them. But they always leave a larger part of themselves with us in return.

  2. Had a dog for 10 years (was 6 when we got him)
    The last thing I did every day for 10 years was to take him out before going to bed.
    It was a couple of months before I broke the habit of going to the back door.

  3. It's painful and a good reminder of the love. Spent quite awhile "hearing" my beloved emma. Blessings.

  4. Hurts to lose them.
    Best on the healing.

  5. We been on a mission to adopt senior rescues for about twelve years now. People discard dogs when they get old and vet care gets expensive. They throw them away. We take them, give them the best we can for six to eighteen months usually and then we do the last mercy for these fine and wonderful animals. We are always grieving for them but there is no more rewarding thing we’ve done.

  6. Ginger, I'd imagine it is. But God, that'd be hard.
