Tuesday, October 11, 2022

I feel like a little "What the hell is going on out there?"

Tulsi Gabbard quits the Evil Party, burning that bridge behind her.
She's way too leftist for me to vote for, she does have some good points.  For one thing, she was the only one on the Democrat debate stage with the balls to call Kamala Harris on her truly sorry prosecutor/AG record.

Brought to you by the same people who insist you shouldn't be allowed to own a firearm.
A report issued last year by the watchdog group Open The Books, “The Militarization of The U.S. Executive Agencies,” found that more than 200,000 federal bureaucrats now have been granted the authority to carry guns and make arrests – more than the 186,000 Americans serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. “One hundred three executive agencies outside of the Department of Defense spent $2.7 billion on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment between fiscal years 2006 and 2019 (inflation adjusted),” notes the report. “Nearly $1 billion ($944.9 million) was spent between fiscal years 2015 and 2019 alone.” ... 
When asked about the need for such lethal materiel, agency officials typically speak only in general terms about security concerns. Agencies contacted by RealClearInvestigations from HHS to EPA declined to provide, or said they did not have, comprehensive statistics on how often their firearms are used, or details on how they conduct armed operations.

“I would be amazed if that data exists in any way,” said Trevor Burrus, a research fellow in constitutional and criminal law at the libertarian CATO Institute. “Over the years of working on this, it’s quite shocking how much they try to not have their stuff tracked on any level.”

So 'ecological restoration' is part of the religion of mentally-disturbed people?
And if you call yourself a '“queer-trans-feminist river scientist”, you are mentally disturbed.

He thinks we're about to see a lot more revelations of the dangers to many of the Wuhan vaccines.

When you've deliberately pushed for kids who can't do the work to be passed to the next grade, you ARE trying to destroy their lives.

The Brits and a bunch of others are screwed this winter.  And it's all the fault of their 'elites' who hate oil and gas.

Over in Brit territory, another case of multiple rapes of a girl by, apparently, radical Amish or something.  Not listed is how many times someone may have contacted the authorities and been turned away because 'racism' or something.

And that's about all I can take.

1 comment:

  1. Here's the gun control/grabber on Instagram at the Tactical Games.

    Just a head fake as she shills for a job at Fox News.
