Monday, September 19, 2022

Why are we supposed to trust ANY of these people?

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the [CDC’s] Director, said in a letter made public on September 12th that the CDC did not analyse certain types of adverse event reports at all in 2021, despite the agency previously saying it started in February 2021.

“CDC performed PRR analysis between March 25th 2022, through July 31st 2022,” Walensky said. “CDC also recently addressed a previous statement made to the Epoch Times to clarify PRR were not run between February 26th 2021 to September 30th 2021.”

Walensky’s agency had promised in several documents, starting in early 2021, to perform a type of analysis called Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) on reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which it helps manage.

But the agency said in June that it did not perform PRRs. It also said that performing them was “outside th[e] agency’s purview”.


  1. The agency said nothing of the kind. In fact, the agency said nothing at all.

    The agency is composed of people. It is those people who spoke. Those people have names. And faces. And addresses.

  2. I trusted them very little before 2020 and trust them ZERO now
