Sunday, September 18, 2022

Californicated is really letting their inner Soviet show

“California is marching toward a world where those with wells on their own property will be required to put a meter on them and pay the government,” writes the source. “Because in their world, the government owns everything and we’re just renters.”
The letter reads, “Landowners whose property is within an unmanaged area and contains an operating ground water extraction well must report the volume of groundwater extracted from the well. The groundwater extraction volume must be reported as a monthly total. In addition to pumping volumes, reports must include the location of the well and the place and purpose of use of the groundwater. Groundwater extraction reports are not due to the state water board until February 1, 2023. However, if you are required to report, the report must include pumping volumes for each month between the date of receipt of this letter and September 30, 2022.”

This is not merely a bureaucratic hassle. There are fees, of course. The base filing fee is $300 per well, which all extractors are required to report. Then there’s an additional fee of $10 per acre foot with a meter, $25 per acre foot without. Tardy filers face a late fee of 25% per month.


  1. "They are who we think they are"
    There is no limit to their lust for power and control.

  2. Fuck thos fucking fuckers.
    Time to start shooting.

  3. Someone who was ahead of the game and built a little off grid home, using solar panels, having their own well, raising their own food, dealing with their own waste, being independent and not being supported by The System, must now pay into the system they opted out of. They chose to be self sufficient.
    That sure looks a lot like being stuck with paying for someone else to go to college.

  4. Anonymous3:18 PM

    This was proposed in Washington State several years ago. The public outcry put a stop to it! They wanted to put a dollar value on ground water and charge private well owners for ground water use, but didn't want to reimburse for water returned to the ground via septic systems and dry wells.

  5. Reminds me of some places in Colorado: "Rain barrel? You're not allowed that, that rain belongs to US!"

  6. Anonymous7:02 PM

    From what I see, about the first of the year the Soviet State will be in complete control. Now if y'all are a normal Californian, you need to stay there and hope it gets better. If you are an American instead, the time is ten times overpast to get yourself, your people, and all your portable assets the freep out of that state. In passing, the working assumption probably should be if you live within 100 miles of the coast, you should definitely stay.

    Subotai Bahadur

  7. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I am of the opinion that property taxes are unconstitutional. Because if you have to pay taxes on your property, you no longer own it. You now rent your property. Or at least you lease it, or whatever legal term applies. I still pay it because they have me over a barrel. Nobody will stand up for me, and if I stand up, nobody will back me up. All I can do is plant the seed in the consciousness and hopefully start something that will apply years from now.

  8. Kali is just the first place to impose this insanity. Eventually ALL states will see this as another source of revenue and impose it.

  9. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Communism? Or feudalism? Or both?

  10. Get ready for the tax on the co2 you exhale.

  11. Does this apply only to large-scale irrigation and industrial uses, or to all water wells? Because I've never seen a meter on a household well...

  12. My family has a 554 acre ranch. Our place has no well, just a great spring that has never had a hiccup in over 160 years.
    We have been required to pay a fee to the California Water Resources Control Board and report how much water we use for irrigation. That is, when the state allows such use, which has been banned in about 5 of the last 10 years. The reports on water use are submitted at the same time we send the Board our $750 fee for the three ponds we have on the property. That $250 fee per pond was arbitrarily doubled 5 years ago.

    California is really big on the 'Farm to Fork' campaign, which was created to support local agriculture and ranching. This while the apparatchiks in Sacramento seem to do everything possible to make farming and ranching economically impossible.
