Monday, September 26, 2022

'Rahul Gupta, the director of the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy, said: 'It is unacceptable

that we are losing a life to overdose every five minutes around the clock.'
Really?  Then why aren't you bastards CLOSING THE EFFING BORDER?  Especially now, with this new fun thing?


  1. Once again, why is the foreign press reporting this and not U.S. news services?

  2. Mike-SMO9:55 AM

    Priorities. A replacement population of cheap, uneducated, low tech workers is more important than the loss of a few to ODs. There is too much money to be made to get involved. Compton, California is the model where a new Hispanic population converted a Black crime ridden ghetto (~100 homicides per year) into a functioning municipality. The death of a few druggies is nothing compared to the profit and grift that is the ultimate goal.

  3. Sailorcurt10:19 AM

    That's easy...because closing the border doesn't give them more control over the populace.

    Knocking down doors, surveillance, asset seizure, random traffic stops etc etc etc, in support of "the war on drugs" does give them more control over the populace.

    Easy math.
