Monday, September 26, 2022

If these people aren't actually evil, then what are they?

This is it. This is the end game of these queer theorists and gender ideologues: the sexualization of children. It was always going to end up here. This is what all these drag queen story hours mean, and these "family-friendly drag shows". It's all about sexualizing children and grooming them to become prey for pedophiles -- sorry, "Minor-Attracted Persons."
We've seen it here, lots of teachers and intellectuals trying to normalize said 'minor-attracted persons', and some flat-out saying 'children should be free to have sex with anyone they want.'

There are a bunch of homosexuals having fits about being lumped in with these assholes, and the trans lobby trying to take their groups over; and Fecesbook, Youtube and Twatter have been stomping on them for daring to say no.

This is... awful is a good word.

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