Friday, September 30, 2022

One of my personal "You just REALLY pissed me off" things is some idiot,

if you express any doubt about the Wuhan vaccines, immediately labeling you 'anti-vax'.  And acting like you hate ALL vaccines.

Effing idiots.


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    i have leared the hard way after 20= years of financial and physical abuse by Drs that i NEVER do anything they advise without hours of research into my options.
    I lost my hearning due to amed that is being banned because no warning was given on the website or the handout.
    now i've learned over 500,000 people in this country were losing their hearing every year it was available.

  2. Anonymous4:36 PM

    "You sound vaxxed!" Try it next time the stupid is out of control.

    Follow up asking how the boosters (plural!) are doing for them.

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    when all this happy horse-biden started i told my dr's that i wanted no part of the 'vax'...
    i have an old dr now that agrees with me so no worries there.
    my idiot friends all rushed to get poked and are suffering for it now weird blood problems cancers where theres no family history same, its all coming home to roost ...
    i am amazed that fuackey hasn't taken refuge with his friends in china.
    people around me are dropping like mayflies...
    when this all plays out there will a severe shortage of MD's...

    1. Anonymous4:07 AM

      A lot of them took the vax to keep their jobs. It'll be interesting to see how many of them are left from this alone after the long term effects are known.
