Friday, September 30, 2022

I used to see older people at a restaurant pull out a pill index

to remember to take the right med and think "That's got to be a pain in the ass."

I'm not at that point, but there's enough stuff I have to take that it's a pain at times.  I can see how easy it would be for someone taking more, or having some that time-to-take is more important, to mess it up and wind up in trouble.

I think I said it before: getting old is easy, being old sucks.  The good part being that, for a lot of things, there are treatments that generally work, whereas not that long ago you just suffered until you died.  Generally much earlier.

1 comment:

  1. I recommend pill-planners to anyone who takes more than one med on a daily basis. Planners are proven to increase compliance and better compliance means better health. And better health is why folks like me sell you those meds in the first place.
