Monday, January 03, 2022

This is a good piece on both loss of faith in experts and their version of 'Science!'

Worse still, some in the alliance seem to be enjoying the pandemic a bit too much. When I see the wide toothy smile on the bony-ass Skeletor face of the New Zealand prime minister every time she announces new lockdowns and mandates, I think, “Jesus, that psychopath’s getting a kick out of this shit.”

If you’re gonna torment your populace in the name of science, at least pretend it’s not making you orgasm. I’m thinking of places like Australia where the maskless have been beaten in the streets by cops. I recall a 1994 incident in Honolulu in which a circus elephant killed its trainer and went on a rampage through the city. As local animal control didn’t have proper elephant tranquilizers and local police didn’t have proper elephant guns, the cops were forced to use their service weapons on the beast, and it was a slow, painful death.

What’s always stayed with me is the footage of the cops after the animal died. They were gutted. Some were weeping. None of them wanted to do what they did.

It’s easy to tell when people, even trained professionals, are unhappy with an assigned task. I’ve yet to see any expression similar to the Honolulu cops on the faces of the Aussie skullcrackers.

Again, can’t you just act like you’re not enjoying this?

But perhaps the biggest giveaway is that not once since the pandemic began have leftist politicians sacrificed ideology for “safety.” Imagine the effect on public behavior had the Biden administration refused to flood the nation with untested, unvaxxed illegals. That would’ve sent a clear message that the Covid crisis is of such importance that Democrats were willing to sacrifice their most beloved policy in the name of controlling the bug. But no. Instead they bragged about letting in unvaxxed and untested Third Worlders.

Or that group of “scientists and doctors” last year who released a public letter stating that BLM protests were more important than Covid precautions. Few things sowed Covid skepticism on the right as much as that. To a great extent, Covid bad-faith skepticism is on the heads of the people who signed that letter.

While back one of the doctors involved in that was asked about it, and she admitted she was really troubled by it, 'but the Cause!'  She let "I want to be seen as one of the Good People get in the way of good sense and intelligence.  And now, I hope, she's looking at the damage she's done to public health and trust in doctors and cringing.*

*I know, I doubt she will, it would damage her self-image too badly


  1. I'm seeing a new doctor.

    Last year when BLM was rioting I had asked my old doctor why unmasked people gathering in large groups was ok. He said "well outdoors you're much less likely to be infected" So I asked him, "so then churches can hold their services outdoors and be fine, right?" And he rolled his eyes hard enough that it was actually audible. doc.

    This one still has the "you must wear a mask" signs on the door, but no one in the place said a damn thing when I walked in without one.

    I am done bending the knee to bullshit.

  2. A Texan3:28 AM
