Tuesday, January 04, 2022

It seems that taxing hell out of people in the name of Green! is not a real good idea;

isn't that amazing?
He is under growing pressure from his backbenchers to scrap the green taxes that make up a quarter of electricity bills and cost households as much as £200 a year.

He is also facing demands to honour a Brexit campaign pledge to scrap VAT on fuel – knocking another £60 off annual bills.

And the part they actually care about:
He warned the Prime Minister: 'Elections are won and lost in people's wallets and purses. If we don't get energy costs right we will suffer catastrophic political damage that will affect every constituency.'
"If we don't do something, we'll be out of office!"  
In 2015, green levies accounted for just 7 per cent of an average dual fuel bill (£86 out of £1,165), according to Ofgem. By 2020 that proportion had doubled to 15 per cent (£182 out of £1,189).
Because you have to subsidize all those bird cuisinarts and solar panels, and the huge battery banks where you try to store the overage for when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine.

It notes that part of the taxes are to help people insulate homes.  Ok, and the rest?  Get rid of that crap; if the bird choppers and panels can't pay their own way, screw 'em.  But they won't do that, because Green!

And here we have a critical bit:
'This is not the Government's fault, this is because of the international price of energy, and I strongly believe, that given the price cap is going to go up this year in the spring, that the Government should look at other measures.'
Bullshit.  You clowns went chasing the idea of Green! no matter the cost to the peasants, and this is the result.  You could be fracking your own natural gas for one, but the Greenies don't like it so screw that.  Now you're having to import all that, and you think 'it's not the Government's fault'?  If you actually believe that, you're an idiot.


  1. Yup, the problem is purposefully dumbed down idiots are voting in other idiots that pursue power for lucre with zero interest (possinly no ability) in actually fixing any problem since fixing a problem makes the politician redundant and is very bad for job security and fat pensions.

    The old Pogo strip that went "We have met the enemy and it is us" holds true.

  2. Sadly, there is no one worth a light waiting in the wings to replace Alexander Boris DePfeffel Johnson, those few genuine conservatives on the back benches wouldn't get a look in, the tory party like too many of the republican party is conservative in name only.

    The green damage is done, instead of moth balling coal fired power stations (the country sits on enough coal for hundreds of years)these green zealots have physically destroyed them so there's no going back to anything like normal and there's nothing being built fast enough to replace them.

    Truly the whole of the western world is being run by fools, and we unlike you in the USA haven't got the hope that a Trump might be elected who could halt the madness, no genuine conservative minded champion would be allowed to get anywhere near the leadership of any of either of the two parties in the UK.
