Tuesday, December 21, 2021

This is how I see it, too

So a young man with two doses and no symptoms can give COVID to and possibly kill an elderly person with three doses, and to prevent that must follow the same outdoors and masks protocols that were recommended before the vaccines became available.

There are only three logical conclusions here.

1) The vaccines are utterly fucking useless and provide absolute no benefits whatsoever.

 2) This has nothing to do with stopping the spread of COVID or saving lives, and has everything with crushing every bit of happiness, familial relationships, and positive human interactions under the oppressive boot heel of totalitarian government.

 3) Both 1 and 2.

Now throw in people having shrieking fits about a 'new' variant that, so far as I know, has 
caused no deaths,
few or no hospitalizations, and
if you DO actually contract it, you feel ratty for a couple of days.  Yet "GET THE SHOT OR DIE!  YOU'LL KILL PEOPLE!  DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD!"

I hope a lot more people are getting thoroughly sick of this crap, especially since it comes from people who see their own rules as something they don't have to obey.


  1. If there is another way to see it that isn't clouded in the haze of the propaganda, I don't know what it would be. Just looking at everything I've seen over the decades, the manufactured consent to drag us into wars,accept bad legislation, it's been obvious to me for a long time that the more media and government push something, the less likely it is to be a good thing. And here we see the biggest effort to herd the people into a particular direction I've seen. The whole thing is a Hard No for me. I can count the times I've worn a mask on my hands, and I'm missing a finger.

  2. I will say #3. The government is NOT your friend.

  3. they finally hunted up one death by omicron in texas,but again "underlying medical conditions" meaning already dying. i still want to see the omicron specific test. beuler? beuler? has anybody seen my omicron test? no, there isn't one. a doctor told me they go by symptoms: runny nose, cough, fatigue.... you mean a cold?.... well yeah, but...not a cold..... riiiiight. survey says: eeeeghnt! so sorry, wrong answer, thanks for playing "let's talk like we know wtf is going on show". try again when you have a clue what the scientific method is.

  4. Found out this AM that Omni rom has taken one life so far. The Texan was an overweight, smoker with stage four cancer. I would assume cancer did him in but, you know how fear mongers work.
