Monday, December 20, 2021

Choir boy takes part in robbery,

and in a serious failure in the victim selection process gets perforated.

It says there have been no charges against the defender.  I have to wonder how much that is "I want to charge the little bastard, but you know what'll happen if we do?  Especially after all the robbers and such we've been leaving out on the street?  Half the people in the city will want our heads!"


  1. I only watched it once. The mist of gakk that flew out as the bullet blasted through and the immediate face down on the counter,, Duude,, that's tuff to see. Needs to happen a lot more,, then they will stop pretending it's their right to rip you off.
    If you are old enough to remember 73,then you probably remember how much fun carjackers were having. Louisiana was a real hotbed of chills and thrills,people dying from getting dragged down the road, hung up in a seatbelt,,
    Finally the Guvnah said the People should arm themselves and defend themselves. The next week the stories of carjackers started changing. Some of them were dead,some just Gutshot and flopping, bleeding and screaming in agony, and the game stopped being so much fun. And it went from carjackers everywhere to none, it stopped being on the news,,


    If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.

    Jeff Cooper

  2. favill2:54 PM

    Kid should've done a double tap. Good on him for protecting his father's business.

  3. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Buy some decent ammo for the store gun. The perp functional for way too long.

  4. Joey Biden5:43 AM

    I think at least half the people want their heads already.
    They're just waiting for someone else to take them, because they themselves are cowards.
