Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Something else I want to yell about, all the harm caused by the lockdowns and bullshit that was supposed to 'save' us

Atlas added that as a public health leader, you shouldn't make wild promises such as "I'm going to stop this one infection at all costs, without regard for all of public health."

"It failed, by the way," he continued. "But it also inflicted massive harm because you have to remember, we shut down a lot of medical care. It wasn’t just cosmetic surgery or something like that that was shut down. We had 650,000 people with cancer on chemotherapy. Half of them skipped their chemo just during the spring of 2020 out of fear. We had 85% of living organ transplants did not get done compared to the previous year. We had two-thirds of cancer screenings did not get done. These people still have cancer."

Atlas added that many people who put their chronic health conditions on the back burner during the early days of the pandemic, whether voluntarily or because hospitals were full, are now finding themselves sicker than ever.

"They’re going to come back with widespread, what’s called metastatic, disease. A lot of them are going to die," he continued. "We had massive increases in drug abuse, in spousal abuse, in child abuse. ... So this was a massive harm, and the harm, again, all the losses, we are almost on the verge of destroying a younger generation, by the way, we have a massive rise in anxiety disorder, in depressive disorder."

Atlas added that the mental health crisis in younger patients is a direct result of the lockdowns during the pandemic.

And none of the people involved, and most of the media, don't want to talk about this.

Larry Correia's wife found a lump in a breast, just as their idiot governor announced "No non-emergency medical treatment!"  Which means no biopsy, and in possible cancer time is very important.  Lots of people in the same boat across the country, and lots of people needing cardiac care as well.  But apparently they don't count as important to these bastards.

These people, at the very least, need some actual reporters calling them out on this and not letting them weasel out of giving answers.  Chances of that happening: you know the answer.

1 comment:

  1. The Prime principle of medical care is, "First, do No Harm."
