Tuesday, December 14, 2021

No, not much blogging lately. Still.

Lots of stuff to try to do, only so much time.  And sometimes tired enough just want to sit.  Like after yesterday.  But I will mention this:
Screenshots of Brooks’ Facebook page, under his MathBoi Fly rapper handle, were mysteriously deleted right after the parade murders, and showed that he had praised Hitler, backed Black Lives Matter — and called for violence against white people.

“So when we start bakk knokkin white people TF out ion wanna hear it…the old white ppl 2, KNOKK DEM TF OUT!! PERIOD,” he wrote under his rap name, MathBoi Fly, along with a middle-finger emoji.

Brooks’ case has now become a cause célèbre, not in the mainstream media, which was slammed for initially saying the deadly attack was caused by “a car” that drove into the parade, but by an increasing chorus of influential podcasters like Joe Rogan and online pundits who claim Brooks and his victims in Waukesha have been “swept under the carpet” by the press because it doesn’t fit their agenda.

Damn right it doesn't, and damn right they want it to go away.  Because so much of our media is slime that insists "We tell you the Truth!" while they're telling you only what they want you to hear, the way they want you to hear it.

The enablers aren't much better.  "You have to get your news from one of these approved sources!"
"To be sure you hear the Truth!"
"You mean like these 'truths'(give a list of bullshit)?"
The response I loved most was "Those were from commenters, not from straight news people!"  

A favorite:
"I was interested until I saw it came from Legal Insurrection."
"Is anything in that false, or inaccurate?"
"You can't trust news from a place like that!"
Because approved source is more important than facts.

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