Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Losing faith

This is that semi-uberpost(for me at least) I mentioned a while back.*  

I've mentioned before that Dad spent a long time- 32 years to be precise- in the profession, and along with the general attitude back then, his being at the job caused me to generally respect cops and tend to give them the benefit of the doubt if there was a question.  Stayed that way for a long time.  And I still have a tendency to do so in many cases.

Boy, has that changed.

Took a long time.  Years of growing and seeing things happen and hearing about them, and reading about them.  Not all trust was lost.  I've known a lot of overall good cops, men I'd have trusted with my childrens' lives without hesitation.  And I've never been in the middle of the really bad stuff, but I've seen enough to know we need people in that job.

Also learned that there are some who sneak in who should never have been allowed to wear a badge, or who went bad over time and should've been retired.  Some it should probably have been a medical retirement, they'd become so damaged.  It's the first who get in anyway, and the ones who become corrupted and are let get by with it that are generally the real bad ones.  Then you stir in those who become so tied-up in the "It's us or those civilians" mentality, and you've got a really vile stew.

The government I'd once trusted, yeah, not any longer.  More and more of it, because in the tv age you could often listen to the lie, then find out they'd done it, and wonder what they thought they were doing?  And when caught, most often their 'investigation and punishment' was a crapshow, you realized it was only to keep you quiet, making you think something had been done.

People die because of their lies?  They make an excuse and just keep going.  People have their lives trashed by these bastards?  They don't care as long as they can stay in that taxpayer-supplied chair in that office.  Because they REALLY like being called 'Representative' and 'Senator' and having their ass kissed, and all the perks.  Much more than they give a damn about other peoples' lives.

Now I come to what was once reporters, and became 'Journalists' because they wanted a proper title.  Yes, it's always been a trade with liars and bigots involved, and it's become worse.  Reporting only the part of a story they want you to hear, slanting what they do report so as to make you think what they desire, and flat-out lying.  During the last election a friend who used to work for a local paper put out some graph showing- by the standards of the journalists who made it- which news sources were trustworthy, and whether they were left or right.  One of them was Bloomberg, who she pointed out was just about in the center.  I asked 'Since they just said they won't investigate Mike Bloomberg during his campaign, and they won't investigate the other Democrats, but they will investigate the Republicans, are you sure you want to stand with that?'  No answer.

Respected Senior Professional Journalists who lied, over and over, who molested women, who were disgustingly open about their contempt for anyone who didn't think correctly, who were caught in unethical things, and most of the trade wanted more to protect them than hammer them for what they'd done, even knowing the damage to their trade that was being piled up by them.

And the stupidity... people who depend on the 1st Amendment to carry out their trade, yet a disgusting number of them are fine with the idea of trashing it 'to keep people from putting out bad information', never seeming to care how that can/will come around and bite them in the ass.  "It won't affect US because WE only put out good information."  Yeah.   Sure.

All this happened over years, insult by insult, group by group.  Eating pieces off that faith, sanding away layers and chipping off bits, on and on.  The EffingBI?  Anyone who trusts them about much of anything, especially if it's political, is a fool.
Politicians?  I'd spit but it's my floor.
News media?  Even with all the facts about Rittenhouse on display, a bunch of them kept lying.  Hell, until the actual trial a lot of people in the world thought he'd shot three black protesters, because that's how the 'reporting' came across.  A bunch of news assholes are going to get their asses sued off(some of them it's 'again'), and they don't seem to care.

So I'm at the point where any trust most of them want, they're going to have to earn it all over.  If they can.

*It was going to be longer, but I'm just too sick of this to continue

1 comment:

  1. Hello Firehand, wish I could add something positive. All I can think of is "this too shall pass". We have done better in the past. As long as there are people such as you, we can do so again. We will.
