Monday, December 27, 2021

It should be noted the current NY governor

is just as big an asshole as the previous.  So are a lot of the other clowns in their legislature.
The remarkable part of this story is Perry’s insistence that all of the outrage over his bill was the product of “lies and mistruths.” If you go back and read the portions of the bill we highlighted on Monday, the bill proposed doing precisely what everyone was saying it would do. While the legislation didn’t use the specific term “internment camps,” there’s really no other suitable description for what he was proposing. Putting people in “medical facilities” where they are not allowed to leave and potentially forcibly vaccinating them is absolutely nothing short of an internment camp.

Perhaps more alarming was the way that Spectrum News, one of the largest local media outlets in upstate New York, unquestioningly jumped on the bandwagon, saying that the bill had “fueled false COVID-related conspiracy theories.” Since when is publishing and commenting on an existing piece of legislation a “conspiracy theory?”

I'm sure none of the reason for yanking the bill was people informing various politicians that trying to put them in a camp was going to involve lots of 'mostly peaceful' protests with said politicians being the targets.


  1. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Notice how that bill had been in existence in some form for years before COVID.

  2. Yeah, idiot came up with it during the so-well-handled ebola scare, and it's been sitting since. Apparently some people mentioned this could be used to handle those troublesome people not doing what they're told over Wuhan, and the noise started from there.
