Wednesday, December 29, 2021

I get really tired of the medical profession...

"We have to reschedule the call you were supposed to get tomorrow because we're short of staff because of the Wuhan,"
How about just telling me what the results are?
"We have no clinical staff to do that, and the Doctor prefers not to do it that way."
So I'm supposed to sit around for something like two weeks because you can't just tell me over the phone?

This is bullshit.


  1. Your needs,,, hmmm..

    doctors PREFerences,, hmmm..

    I'm thinking, I'm thinking

    Nope! You don't matter, you can just wait and wonder ..

    You Know that is bullshit.

    Duude, how you're not chewing someone up and spitting them out,IDK.
    Hell,I'm frustrated FOR you,now..

  2. It IS bullshit.
    My HMO puts test results on my web page in their website the day of the test. Maybe, maybe they've waited until the next day, I don't remember.
    Your doctor and his employer needs to join the 21st century.

  3. Unacceptable. This happened to a relative of mine many years ago. 1st diagnosis was grim, potentially life ending. I suggested a 2nd opinion, and this relative’s known, and trusted doctor recommended the original doctor’s teacher. He was calm, level headed and explained that his student was simply responding to the evidence aggressively. Doctor got fresh tests, and promised a quick follow up, don’t worry, this is likely nothing.

    Results came in and like you, staff would not release it. I went ballistic, and drove to the office. I then managed to get a hold of the doctor by direct line, told him I was here and wanted the results NOW, not 1 month from now. He was perplexed but came out, saw us and when he heard about the staff, was rather disappointed. We were too. He apologized profusely and went over the results and what to do.

    Covid is the new, universal excuse for poor customer service, and the medical profession has worse customer service than a 1980’s cable company.

    You can’t keep people hanging like this waiting for medical test results, it’s unprofessional, rude, inconsiderate and just plain bad.

  4. It is your information, you paid for it, demand it. fire doctor, get new one, make sure they know why.

  5. Anonymous4:18 AM

    There are labs out there where the lab will give you the results without intpretation. I've used one called Quest a couple of times.
