Wednesday, December 29, 2021

As to our effing Professional Journalists whining that people don't listen to the news,

But, man, did the media oversell the vaccine.

In a March 29 broadcast, Rachel Maddow said, "Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person… The virus does not infect them…It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to get more people."

She is the reason I don't call PhD's doctor.

It is not that the public is no longer interested in the news. It is that the public no longer believes the news media is delivering the news.

The distrust is bipartisan.

Oh yes.  The Professionals and bureaucrats told us "This vaccine will protect you!"
Then it was "It will mostly protect you."
Then "It won't keep you from catching the virus, but should(might) make it less nasty.  And it won't keep you from spreading the virus.  BUT YOU MUST GET IT!  THE UNVAXXED ARE A HEALTH THREAT!"
"Excuse me, but if you now admit that the masks you demanded everyone wear don't work, and the vaccine won't stop the virus, why-"
Just inspires all kinds of confidence, doesn't it?

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